Contact Feng Shui Renee


Feng Shui Principles

Step by Step guide to apply basic Feng Shui.

Fashion Feng Shui® Consultation

Fashion Feng Shui® is an innovative, transformational dressing technique inspired by Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of placement. Based on the premise that you live a happier, healthier, more prosperous existence when your living and working environments are harmonious and balanced, Feng Shui encourages you to visually affirm your intentions in your personal and professional surroundings in order to create them in your life. Fashion Feng Shui®, which considers clothing to be your body's most intimate environment, applies Feng Shui philosophy and principles to personal appearance.

Travel Home

High costs of living got you feeling blue? Put your money into your largest investment, your home! Get consultation on how to enjoy every inch of your residence with the 3 R's-recreation, relaxation and rejuvention. Just like HGTV says..."Start At Home."


Make positive impressions through appearance, wardrobe, etiquette and communication skills. Your life can be a positive outlook & start one outfit at a time with your personal environment. What is your personal environment? It's your body with soul, and the home of your body’s most intimate environment: your clothing. The "Whispering Closet" is recommended with this consult.

Professional Advice - Email/Phone

An affordable way to consult with Professional Feng Shui Practioner with questions to help solve your design dilemmas right at your fingertips. Everyone has access to great design thru the internet. Now get replies personalized and developed by Feng Shui Renee - "The Feng Shui Design Online" consulting service to provide a convenient way for busy people to gain access to expertise.

Design Steal

Take a picture of a room you want to duplicate in your home or business. I will help with getting it together as cost as effective as possible and help do the shopping for the decor with creating a nourishing flow of "chi" (life force energy).

Health & Well-Being Consultation

Evaluates diet, lifestyle and environments. Environment accessment is done for design vision of tranquility, vitality and personal potential. A design is determined to excite senses and soothe the soul. Unseen yet always felt - the energizing, everything-is-possible plan.

Design Practicality

Evaluating individuals lifestyle to help design the environment best suited to be happy and healthy residing and cost effective. Using "It's Your Stuff" method.

Whispering Closet

Organization method using your individual style for Career and Lifestyle purposes. Dress Like You Mean It! The state of your closet, the home of your body’s most intimate environment (your clothing), affects and reflects your being as much as your home and work decors. This consulting presentation will take you on a virtual tour of your wardrobe and its habitual surroundings – It’s all about you and your closet. Learn how you can fill it with clothes that you love and wear all the time and discover how to Conquer Closet Chaos once and for all.

Treasure Maps

Create your visual picture of the Treasures you want in your life. Put the good things you think of in front of you and start your path to attract those things. Examples of Maps: Business Plan, Business Attract Client Design, Relationship Mate, Career Change, Ideal-Self, Home Design Style(s) & etc maps.

Blueprints Evaluation Design Consult

Residential & Commercial. Assistance in creating supportive and perfectly energized environment that enhances the well-being and level of success for the client.

Selling Real Estate

Staging a home or business.

Life Coaching

Consulting on developing a plan to help succeed in personal and professional life. What are the challenges? Set goals/priorities and monitor progress.